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About the teachers

The course is taught by Jouni Huotari and Pasi Manninen.

Jouni has written a book about database design (in Finnish), which is based on practical experience coming from tens of database projects.

Pasi is a mobile and web application developer. Currently working as a senior lecturer in JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Pasi has programming experience over many decades and has taught dozens of courses since the 90's. He plays a lot of golf and loves travel to new places with family.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message through Teams or as email (

Why this course is relevant to my studies?

Data modelling is essential to every information system project because it forms and illustrates the basis of databases. Data modelling at large means that you should (or somebody should) think in which systems the data is located (part of master data management), what does data mean (meta data and descriptions/definitions of data), and how data models are shared within an organization.

Every real web or mobile application needs a backend development too. The backend of a website or mobile app consists of a server, an server side application and a database. A backend developer builds and maintains the technology that powers those components together in to real working application. Full stack developer understands both the client and the server side coding. Working on both sides professionally opens more opportunities.