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What do you want and need to know about data modelling (DM)?

What are the most essential things to master when creating data models? Let's start a brainstorming session by using Miro (separate address). Add your thoughts one by one by writing them (and choose a color and shape) to the top right input box.

Course book

There are a lot of very good books about DM available. Our library contains approximately 100 books about database design in which data modelling belongs.

You need to login to Skillsoft Books ITPro in order to access to eBooks. I recommend Data Modeling Made Simple: A Practical Guide for Business and IT Professionals by Steve Hoberman as the primary ebook for you.

DAMA - DMBOK Framework

DMBOK is a comprehensive framework helping to manage data and mature information infrastructure in companies. There are three versions or editions of the framework.

Look at the circle containing the main knowledge areas. Which parts you master currently?

What skills a data modeller should have?

Read the blog text by Ronald Van Loon: "9 Skills You Need to Become a Data Modeler", Do you agree all of his arguments? What is the most important skill that a data modeller has?

Modelling assignment(s): what characteristics a well-designed data model have?

Let's discuss this topic first before diving to the topic and then see what professionals say. For the model evaluation, I will introduce and use Data Model Scorecard by Steve Hoberman. The ten questions are:

  • How well does the model capture the requirements?
  • How complete is the model?
  • How well does the model match its scheme?
  • How structurally sound is the model?
  • How well does the model leverage generic structures?
  • How well does the model follow naming standards?
  • How well has the model been arranged for readability?
  • How good are the definitions?
  • How consistent is the model with the enterprise?
  • How well does the metadata match the data?

The five killer questions (by Steve Hoberman) are:

  1. Is the scope of the model clear?
  2. Is there a well-defined purpose as to why the model was built?
  3. Has the correct filter been applied?
  4. Does the model show the correct time view?
  5. Is there any functionality in the requirements that is not present on the model?

The modelling assignment

You have to pass one modelling assignment. The first modelling assignment will be given during the first class.

If your data model is good enough - congrats: you can proceed to the back-end assignment(s). If not, then the second assignment is based on the two other assignments: the back-end assignment in this course and the assignment from the YTSP0300 Application frameworks course. You should create both a conceptual and a logical model of either of those back-end assignments.

Further reading

There are excellent books about data modelling by Steve Hoberman. Our library contains tens of relevant books, also e-books. Of course there are many good web sites containing up-to-date information. I checked a slide set by Christopher Bradley: It covers nicely many of the core things about data modelling.

Finally, check the material provided myself, e.g. Advanced databases course. I have written a book about database design (tietokantojen suunnittelu) together with Ari Hovi. The book is in our library.