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Assignment - Data Modelling

Data modelling assignment comprises of two data models:

  1. Conceptual data model (CDM) by using UML class diagram notation, see also the Visual Paradigm guide e.g. [Concept1] *----> [Concept2] means that the concept1 is debendent on Concept2 and there can be many Concepts1 for the Concept2.

  2. Logical data model by using crow's feet notation also known as Information Engineering (IE) or fork notation. E.g. [Entity1] |o---o< [Entity2] means that for every Entity1 there can be zero or more Entities2 and for Entity2 there are either none or just one Entity1.

Tip: there are hundread of alternative tools for data modelling. You can use a drawing tool or a dedicated CASE tool for that. Check the list of CASE tools for data modelling => can you find a tool which supports forward engineering to your favourite DBMS? E.g. MySQL Workbench is a great tool if you are going to create a MySQL Database, but the conceptual data model should be done with another tool, e.g. with Lucidchart or

Assignment 1 (given during the first lecture)

You have 90 minutes to create the aforementioned models from a requirements specification given by the teacher (#1). Return the result (or link to it, e.g. a certain repository in GitLab) to the Moodle environment (more detailed instructions will be given during the lecture).

Assignment 2 (if you do not do or pass the first data modelling assignment)

You can choose a topic of your own for your back-end project and related database (which can be done by using any DBMS, e.g. MySQL or MongoDB). You can also design and create the conceptual and logical data model for the backend programming assingment Reservations app.

Returning your solution(s)

There is a specific return folder in Moodle. Note:

  • The conceptual data model should be done by using UML class notation (just the class names = concept names; no properties or methods).
  • The logical data model should be done by using crow's feet (IE) notation